This post is for newbies. If you are an advanced internet marketer, please ignore this post. First thing, Do you want to clone my internet business? If YES, click here, if NOT keep reading, please...
I decided to write my business plan for 2019 as well and I recommend you do the same. You will be amazed by what can you do after you write it down and you re-remind it daily.
It will take around 8 hours to dissect but the time worth investing.
Now let me tell you something about "The CB Passive Income 5.0". People are asking me how do I plan to sell it because it's not for free.
You see, I have two plans for it:
You may wonder why does it cost so much. Well, I have a big server in my house that needs maintenance, I have hosting fees, email list fees hired people that are crafting emails for me, so I need to pay the bills.
That is why I have such a price. All the software included is costing me money.
Now, There are people who will buy it, people who will try to negotiate the price and people who will pay the full price upfront.
This business model is not for everybody. Only selected few will manage to get access. But there is more.
Not too many marketers know that this kind of system exists. Actually, only 104 people are using this product right now. They are making their money.
But the more, the merrier. Who is sitting in pajamas writing blog posts? Who is making money online traveling?
Who is the best affiliate marketer out there? My answer is: YOU are
You can become one if you are not yet. You can quit your job after a few months with this system and be the next person using it.
What's your New Year Resolution for 2019? Mine is to make as many sales as I can with "The CB Passive Income 5.0", and stop working for a crazy boss that is yelling at me:
"Faster Vlad, you need to work harder" so that he can make more money out of my back.
Write your business plan and buy "The CB Passive Income 5.0", learn how to promote it correctly and don't waste more time looking for crap online like T.V Shows. The destiny is in your hands.
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