This post is for newbies. If you are an advanced internet marketer, please ignore this post. First thing, Do you want to clone my internet business? If YES, click here, if NOT keep reading, please...
What do you do with your paid targeted traffic, or even with the free traffic? Do you send it directly to the product you are selling?
That is WRONG. Why? Because you are losing sales. If you send the traffic directly to the sales page you are losing MONEY.
That traffic will bounce up and you will never see it again. That is why I recommend you capture that traffic for further monetization.
You can do this with a landing page instead of wasting it with a sales video. Uncaptured traffic leads to disaster and bad business.
Furthermore, the users that are seeing the sales page directly will mark you as a hype spammer. A hype spammer is someone who is trying to sell something before offering something for free.
And no bad marketing exists but this. I'm crying when I see how much stupidity is in the internet marketing world.
Newbies trying to make a buck without content creation. Traffic wasted on sale pages instead of captured for future money making.
Are you aware of how much money you lose by not capturing the traffic you send to one page? Billions of dollars. That is why the smart guys like me are using landing pages for this.
A landing page is a smart tool that is generating money. Not too many people know about this. It's easier than a 9 to 5 job.
And the magic doesn't end here. I don't even need to create a landing page myself. It's all done for me via The CB Passive Income system. All I got to do is to expose it as much as I can and I get $2 per lead.
Imagine this: $2 per lead x 1000 leads = $2000 - easy money.
And all I have to do is write about it. That is how I make my money as a writer, while others are breaking their backs under their boss yelling and stress at a 9 to 5 job.
Remember the movie "The Terminator 2 - Judgement Day?" when John Connor inserts a card and pulls up $300 "easy money"?
That's how a landing page magic works. You capture the lead and you keep sending free emails until that lead buys from you.
The magic continues because I don't write the emails either. I don't even waste time trying to convert my sales. How is this for a lazy person?
You see those gurus making big money online. This is how they do it. They capture emails for $2 per lead. There are no secrets. The only thing you must do is to expose that landing page.
Let your list grow. The bigger the list, the more money you make. So I'm asking you now:
What are you doing with all your traffic?
While you direct it to a sales page, and you waste it, I direct it via my landing pages and get $2 each. Who is richer? That is the power of Internet Marketing.
Don't waste any more time. Get your copy of The CB Passive Income and live like I do. You will thank me later when money will start to flow.
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