Saturday, 1 December 2018

Customers From Hell...

This post is for newbies. If you are an advanced internet marketer, please ignore this post. First thing, Do you want to clone my internet business? If YES, click here, if NOT keep reading, please...

This video inspired me today to talk about the customers that won't buy from you, no matter what you do.

This market is so cold that you can't warm it up with all the freebies in the world. You can give anything for free when you sell them something, they just run away.

That is every affiliate marketer's nightmare. That is why we don't sleep at night thinking about that "nobody will buy from me".

You can't really do anything about those people. The only solution to this is to keep working. Hard work x 3.

Work hard and try to make your customers as hot as you can. Hot customers will buy from you whatever you sell them.

That is why I'm so consistent with my blog. I'm trying to warm up my audience and turn it hot. But for this to happen, I need time and a lot to write.

How many blog posts I must write? Millions of blog posts and I must be on every social media platform available. You must do that too so a sale can happen.

Write, create videos, share content 8 hours a day. That is what a master affiliate does. He/she just fires up and starts working.

I still don't have enough prospects to keep the business going, but this doesn't scare me. I must find a way to keep the platform updated with content.

The more content I create, the more Google will love me and will push my little blog around the sharks' websites.

You can be the little fish that nobody can catch and swim with the sharks by not getting scared. And you can transform into a shark as well, then you can eat other sharks. It's like a game.

Do you want to open an Amazon business? Click here

Until next time, I see you on my blog.


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