This post is for newbies. If you are an advanced internet marketer, please ignore this post. First thing, Do you want to clone my internet business? If YES, click here, if NOT keep reading, please...
Have you started your first Internet Business yet? If so, this business needs fuel (like a car), but it's a different kind of fuel.
In Internet Marketing the "fuel" is:
- articles
- videos
- testimonials
- comments
- social media
- images
It's like a puzzle. You take the pieces and you start putting 'em together. Every minute of every day. The more you work at it, the better results you will get.
When you first start, it gets harder to see the bigger picture. You will encounter some obstacles. In this case, you must seek help to complete your game.
But first, you must experiment with "the game". Learn how to expose yourself in the online world, and position yourself there.
You can also bring in some friends. Talk to them about your idea, even if they reject it. Get feedback and build from there.
Just like the Lego toys. You must construct the blocks first and then put them together. Go and play with images, text, and videos and see how you can assemble your project.
Until next time, I see you on my blog.
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