This post is for newbies. If you are an advanced internet marketer, please ignore this post. First thing, Do you want to clone my internet business? If YES, click here, if NOT keep reading, please...
Not having money in your pockets, sucks. Especially if you are a teenager and you are 15 years old 😔
The best solution is to get a job. But what if you don't want a job? What if you can't find one? What happens then?
Here is my story from 10 years ago when I first got started with zero cash, yet, I've made some sales:
Back in 2009, I've googled "How to make money online" and I've discovered the first methods that promised me to get rich: "PTC = paid to click" "PTR = paid to read emails". But all this stuff were just fake promises for a mortal like me.
The only people getting rich were "the advertisers". But life was kind to me and after 2 years in 2011, I found Clickbank.
This platform opened my eyes in the affiliate marketing world. I tried to promote lots of products, without any idea on how to do it and I've gained experience. I did that for 6 years, with no success.
Then I realized how much I have to learn, in order to make a single sale. So, after some thorough research, I found that I must focus only on one product and leave all the crap behind me.
I decided to look for the best product on Clickbank, and I found it "The CB Passive Income" by Patric Chan.
What was the problem? I couldn't afford it back then, so I got a job for a couple of months, saved some money aside and then, with satisfaction on my face, I bought it.
My first online business and "the only one today". This product gave me all the opportunities I needed in order to succeed.
No more writing emails, no more writing ads, no more building websites, heaven on earth, all is just done for me, in exchange, all I have to do is to promote my links and that's it.
But there is this catch: "I couldn't promote by spam" and that was one of my mistakes. I started posting links everywhere on facebook until I realized that all I'm doing was prostituting my brand (see here).
But I made some sales in the past via some solo advertising, which proved to me that this product works. But...
I knew I had to take a different approach. So I've opened this blog and told myself: "No matter how hard it is in business, I'll never quit until I make it"
Now here I am today fighting for my way to the top and the best secret is that you can do that too.
What can you do?
You don't have to buy my product if you don't want to, yet it's the best out there. But, you can put some money aside, with or without a job, then go to and find a product that interests you, buy it, test it, learn it and then promote it.The hard part is that it takes time until you make your first sale. You must be willing to sacrifice some time by promoting it for free via articles or videos on your blog.
Having a blog costs you nothing, uploading a YouTube Video costs you nothing. Your first obstacle will be "lack of audience" at first, but again, this builds up in time.
All you need to do is to create content every week and take some time managing your social media accounts after you've opened them (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube).
The big fear is your fear of failure. With this model, you can't fail. It works 100% but it takes some time to grow up.
Do you want to open an Amazon business? Click here
Until next time, I see you on my blog.
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