Thursday, 22 November 2018

Why To Use Clickbank And How To Make Sales...

This post is for newbies. If you are an advanced internet marketer, please ignore this post. First thing, Do you want to hire me to do it for you? If YES, click here, if NOT keep reading, please...

Clickbank is the #1 affiliate platform online. Why is it the best? Because it pays off between 25% to 75% of the sales you make in commissions.

I am a Clickbank user for over 10 years now, and I'm very happy with it. They pay me a week after the sale is made. It can work for you too.

The sign-up process takes around 3 minutes and it's opened for almost any country in the world. All you have to do is to get into action (click here to sign up) on the "Create Account" section, if you don't have one.

Pick A Product

In order for you to make sales, you must pick a product to promote. What do you choose? I chose "The CB Passive Income 5.0" and here are the reasons why:

1. No more struggle with landing pages (I don't have to create any website)

2. No more struggle sending emails (I get leads automatically and the emails are already crafted)

3. I have over 5 business models (including Amazon)

4. No more struggle posting my affiliate links anywhere (I just get paid instantly when a sale is made)

5. No more struggle with domain names or web hosting.

What I did is saved money for 6 months and bought the whole package, and now I get back my return on investment every single month. Pretty neat.

But you can choose from plenty of authentic products on your desire:

- weight loss
- golf
- trading
- survival guides
- how to play poker
- web design
- software

And then you can start promoting as I do here on my blog. All you need is discipline and patience.

How To Make Sales?

All you need is an "avatar" or "persona". Here is how my avatar or ideal customer looks like:

Age: between 18 to 70 years old

Social Status: Married with kids, widowed, divorced or single

Financial Status: Not too rich or too poor, someone who puts money aside

Other Skills: To have an investor mindset, few technical skills

How many people are like this on the face of the Earth? Millions, I tell you. You might be one of them, no questions asked.

But you don't trust me at first and I believe you. No problem. In time we can build a relationship.

After you found your avatar, show to that person your business model (click here) and that's it. You just wait for the magic to happen.

Disclaimer: You won't get the sale on the spot. The customer must get something for free first before you sell him/her something.

That is why this system is working so well because, at any time, the customer will buy at a moment. Until then, you just give free stuff and wait for the sales to happen on your behalf.


Why working at a 9-5 job, when you can model this online business type and sleep well? Imagine waking up every day, just writing or creating videos promoting your product and getting paid to do so?

People are so afraid of this process because they have expectations and they quit before the sale is made, instead of posting and creating valuable content.

Don't be that boy/girl. Choose wisely before working for an employee and start working for yourself by doing what you love to do, as I am.

If you want to start an Amazon online business click here.

Until next time, I see you on my blog,

Vlad S.

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