Saturday, 24 November 2018

Top #10 Mistakes That I made As An Affiliate Marketer

This post is for newbies. If you are an advanced internet marketer, please ignore this post. First thing, Do you want to clone my internet business? If YES, click here, if NOT keep reading, please...

Let's not waste time and get started...

#1 High expectations

When I first opened my Clickbank account, I was dreaming about making sales and lots of money, without doing the hard work.

Then I hit the wall and I understood that the online business world, is not that soft and puff. After 10+ years of internet marketing, I still struggle with sales, but now it's different because I work my ass off to succeed.

So, don't start too enthusiastic about it. For some, money comes quickly, for others, later in time.

I corrected this by having real expectations, yet my dream is still there.

#2 Thinking that I'm not good enough

I've always let my family tell me what to do. I've always taken the blame for everything bad happening in my life. Others were telling me what's good and what's bad.

I corrected this when I took responsibility and started making choices from my own point of view, regardless of what others may or may not say.

#3 Acting too smart

I thought I know it all. Nobody could match with me. I never let anyone say their opinion and that cost me a lot of social prices.

I corrected this by becoming an anarchist and by understanding the fact that I don't know nothing yet.

#4 Too much smartphone

Instead of focusing on my business, I would just take my phone and start scrolling Facebook all day long, producing nothing.

This is the mistake that many of us are doing it. They get lost in their smartphones. I corrected this by stopping to use my phone in a non-productive way.

Now, everything I do on my devices is strictly for making money (I even rented my car)

#5 Stopped learning

After I graduated from school, I had a period of time of not learning anything. I've stopped reading books, I stopped educating myself and this led to a huge mistake.
I corrected this by watching Youtube tutorials and started reading self-help.

#6 Being too critical

I had times when I was criticizing and hate some online products and some people. Again, this mistake cost me a lot of energy and emotional strength. I corrected this mistake by starting to be more empathetic and understanding.

#7 Too lazy

I started sitting in my comfort zone, too lazy to write a post, too lazy to comment on a video, too lazy to work for my business. Until I realized that nobody is working in my position and I'm the only responsible if the business is booming or not.

I corrected this mistake by starting to act against my brain and start training to creativity.

#8 Letting others tell me what to do

This mistake made me think that I'm not good enough for my business. I told my family about Clickbank and they laughed at me. They said that I'll never succeed, that I'm a dreamer. I believed them and this cost me again a lot of stress.

I corrected this mistake by stop listening to naysayers (no matter who they are, friends or family) and starting to act on my behalf.

#9 Not charismatic enough

Yep. Nowadays if you are not educating yourself to become more charismatic, people won't like you. You need that energy and smile on your face instead of lacks on your face.

I used to be a loner with no friends because of my lack of charisma. Now I learn tutorials from Youtube about it.

#10 No story to tell

When I first got started, I had no story to tell to anyone. How I grew up, where I grew up, or how my life was before. This is a mistake I'm still working on today, because story sells. And I must work at this pretty hard.

Tell me the comment section

What are your mistakes and how do you correct them?

If you want to start an Amazon online business click here.

Until next time,

I see you on my blog


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